While my sprint results as an M60 have not matched what I did as an M55, my running performances over longer distances have suffered no such decline. In Parkrun, a 5k event, my best ever performance on handicap is as an M60. 20:24, an age grade of 78.59 at Tuggeranong on 7/11/20. Only 6 seconds behind my M55 PB. Yes, this was done in fast shoes, but I have still managed an age-grade over 78 in cheap training shoes. All my results can be found on the Parkrun website, along with an explanation of the handicapping system. My best 10k as an M60 is 42:10. Actually that is the fastest officially timed 10k in my entire life. Age grade just over 79. Results from this run around Lake Burley Griffin are at canberrarunner.com.au We had hoped to go to NZ to continue on from the runs in my post "NZ Mountains", but Covid restrictions meant we went to Bright, Victoria instead. After warming up on some valley trail we made 3 trips to various parts of Mt Buffalo, all great. But the hi...